Letter to your future self
Self-Addressed Reminder Card
This activity helps individuals identify an insight or "a-ha moment" that was especially meaningful to them from a class (or even a single meeting or workshop), and document that insight as a "reminder" card addressed to their future self. The instructor or facilitator collects those cards and mails them to participants 6 months later to ensure follow-up.
Have you ever noticed that many times we get great advice, or come across an insight that seems profoundly meaningful, and think to ourselves "I'm going to do that!" or "That's so true!" …. but then a week later we've moved on with our lives and forgotten to follow through on the insight or advice?
This activity asks you to take 15 minutes to look through our assigned reading for today, along with the activities we've completed over the past couple of weeks, and identify three practices, insights, principles, or quotes that seemed most helpful to YOU.
Write yourself a postcard containing 3 reminders or action items related to the 3 points you chose. Self-address the envelope, and turn this in to your instructor. I will mail this to you in 6 months from now as a reminder!
Note: be as detailed as possible. You might include a quote, specific instructions, or page #s from the reading to jog your memory when you receive the postcard later this year.